tajuk besar 2. hehehehe. just for fun i guess.
ok. its been 2 days i've been missing. is it 2 days? erm
or 3 oh well tp hahaha missing??? huhuhu no2 wht i mean is that i didnt update my
blog. heeee.
haaa...pika keja.. pnt ooo... keja kt klinik. jd nurse. heee
its fun u know. dpt tgk mcm2 sakit y ada di dunia ni. hehehe
ad y nk wt penguguran lg. haaa..sedih ny. doktor 2 xbuat pun sbb da besa sgt.
ad y smpi 3 bln pun nk gugur kn jgk. ad y 2 bln. haaaa sad!!!
hmm... alhamdulillah doktor 2 xbuat. haaa if buat mmg on the spot nanes kt
ctu gk. hahahaha. xley bla kn.
heeee.. yes. i am very sensitive person. ok. does the sentence correct? hmm
seems kinda odd. owh well i'll try 2 improve my english. lol.
ok2 back to the story. hmm keja kt klinik ni sgt2 la mencabar. mcm2
pesakit nk kna lyn lg2 tmpt pika ni rmi foreigner. haaa. kne speaking la.
hehehe da la speaking lemah. aduh. da 2 ad y xphm2 bahse pun ade. huhu
lwak la. hehehe.
xpela..setiap manusia ad corak y tersendiri.
itu y membuat atau mewarnai dunia ni kn.
mcm rainbow kt bwh ni. hehehe pretty!
hahha acece...ttbe lak. hehehe
haaa...k la esok2 pika xpnt i'll tell more about wht i get from this nurse thang.
hahaha. pika kn kongsi lg yek. heee
Good Night!!
loved by pika!